




Wage and Money in Keynes'General Theory
間宮陽介/MAMIYA Yousuke

Keywords: 賃金の硬直性, 貨幣利子率の高位安定性, 自己利子率, 貨幣の本質的特性, 賃金契約,




Different from usual interpretation of the General Theory, as is represented by Hicks'IS-LM flamework interpretation, Keynes intended to base his theory on value theory or 'the general theory of supply and demand.'The task of adjusting the discrepancy between aggregate demand price and aggregate supply price is entrusted to prices of goods and services. Ditinct from these flexible prices, there are those which are sticky or stable at higher level, money wage being the former case and the rate of interest the latter. Keynes threw light on these two singular prices, money wage and the rate of interest, from angles of their repercussion on employment of labour and their functioning to economic stability and instability. This paper, focusing on 'the essential propertis'of money as discussed by Keynes, tries to investigate how the stickiness of money wage and the stability of the money rate of interest at hihger level effect the conditions of the economic system.

社會科學研究 第57巻 第5・6合併号(2007-03-28発行)

(更新日: 2012年 11月 2日)