




グローバル化と公法・私法の再編 ― グローバル化の下での法と統治の新たな関係?
A Renewed Formation of Public and Private Laws under the Globalization – Reformulating the Concept of Law vis-à-vis Global Governance
藤谷武史/FUJITANI Takeshi

Keywords: グローバル化,統治,公法と私法,法の正統性,機能的法多元主義




How are the “globalization” phenomena relevant to the Law? This paper conceptualizes the “globalization of the law” as the destabilization of the State-Society-Law Unity; such unity was once grounded, not on mystic normative status of “Statehood”, but rather on the pragmatic and recursive process of State’s effectively serving as prominent unit of problem-solving function, which in turn integrates the society on which the law rests on. Then the globalization encourages the functional pluralization and transnationalization of the society, which dismantles the bond between the State and societies, thus relativizes the dominance of state-based law over non-state/transnational modes of law. This paper claims the different responses by jurisprudence vis-à-vis these phenomena are driven by the competing conception on such fundamental questions as “law’s legitimacy” and “plurality in law;” the paper also suggests the functional understanding of Statehood is more promising in reformulating our concept of the law in the globalization.

社會科學研究 第65巻 第2号(2014-03-31発行)

(更新日: 2014年 03月 31日)