Featured Theme: <LIA-CASSH Report 2008>
Comparative Approach in Social Sciences and Humanities:
A French-Japanese Initiative via Joint International Laboratory between CNRS and University of Tokyo
- Introduction
- François GIPOULOUX and NITTA Michio
Project 1. A comparative Approach to Firms’ Productivity Studies in France and Japan
- Post-entry and Pre-exit Performance of French Manufacturing Firms
- Flora BELLONE, Patrick MUSSO, Lionel NESTA and Michel QUÉRÉ
- Productivity Convergence at the Firm Level: Effects of Exit on Firm-level Productivity Growth in Japan
- KIYOTA Kozo, NAKAJIMA Takanobu and NISHIMURA Kiyohiko G.
Project 2. Labor Institutions in Question: Empirical Comparative Studies of Employment Systems in France and Japan
- Evolution of Japanese Employment Systems in the Lost Decade and After
- Professionals, Production Systems and Innovation Capacities in The Software Industry: A comparison Between French and Japan
- Caroline LANCIANO-MORANDAT and Hiroatsu NOHARA
Project 3. International Trading Hubs in East and Southeast Asia
- Historical Transformation of Coastal Urban City Networks in East China Sea Zone: From Pusan-Nagasaki-Ryukyu-Southeast Asia Channel to Yinchon-Shanghai-Kobe Channel
- Asian Mediterranean: China at the Core of Two Periods of Globalization (16th-20th Century)
- François GIPOULOUX
Project 4. New and Old Forms of Corporate Clusters in Asia
- Innovation and Clusters: The Japanese Government Policy Framework
- Akira HATTORI and Yveline LECLER
- The Emergence of Industrial Clusters in Wenzhou, China