




Hiroshi Ishida & David H. Slater(eds.)
Social Class in Contemporary Japan:
Structures, Sorting and Strategies(Routledge, 2009.11)

1. Social Class Analysis as a Research Program
Hiroshi Ishida and David H. Slater

Part 1: Class Structure

2. Does Class Matter in Japan? Demographics of Class Structure and Class Mobility from a Comparative Perspective
Hiroshi Ishida
3. Marriage as an Association of Social Classes in a Low Fertility Rate Society: Towards a New Theory of Social Stratification
Sawako Shirahase

Part 2: Class Sorting

4. From Credential Society to “Learning Capital” Society: A Rearticulation of Class Formation in Japanese Education and Society
Takehiko Kariya
5. Social Class and Economic Life Chances in Post-Industrial Japan: The “Lost Generation”
Mary C. Brinton

Part 3: Class Socialization

6. The “New Working Class” of Urban Japan: Socialization and Contradiction from Middle School to the Labor Market
David H. Slater
7. What Color is Your Parachute? The Post-Pedigree Society
Amy Borovoy

Part 4: Class Strategies

8. Motherhood and Class: Gender, Class, and Reproductive Practices among Japanese Single Mothers
Aya Ezawa
9. How Ethnic Minorities Experience Social Mobility in Japan: An Ethnographic Study of Peruvian Migrants
Ayumi Takenaka