- トップ
- 刊行物等 一覧
- 所員の著書(2011年の新刊)
- Junji Nakagawa International Harmmonization of Economic Regulation
Junji Nakagawa International Harmmonization of Economic Regulation,
(Oxford University Press, 2011.11)
1. What is ‘international harmonization’ of economic regulation?
2. Types of international harmonization of economic regulation
3. The history of harmonization
4. Alternatives to harmonization
5. Major points of dispute in harmonization negotiations
6. Leading studies of international harmonization of economic regulation
7. Analytical challenges
1. Tariff classification
2. Customs valuation
3. Rules of origin
1. Anti-dumping duties
2. Countervailing duties
3. Safeguards
1. Standardization and certification systems for industrial products
2. Food sanitation and safety standards
1. The Paris and Berne Conventions
2. WIPO and the harmonization of intellectual property
3. The TRIPS Agreement
1. Historical beginnings
2. The ILO and international labor standards
3. The development of social clauses
4. The WTO and trade and labor issues
1. Failed early attempts at establishing binding rules
2. Non-binding guidelines
3. Movements since the 1990s
1. The Basel Commitee
2. Securities regulation and IOSCO
3. Insurance regulation and the IAIS
4. Multi-sector regulation and regulatory cooperation
5. Reform of financial regulation since 2008
1. Money laundering
2. International control of corruption
1. Analytical results
2. Praxis-related issues
3. Theoretical implications
4. Future prospects
1. Introduction: Basic Definitions and Analytical Tasks
2. Harmonization of Rules Relating to Tariffs
3. Harmonization of Trade Remedies
4. Harmonization of Standardization and Certification
5. Harmonization of Intellectual Property Rights
6. Harmonization of Labor Standards
7. Harmonization of Competition Law
8. Harmonization of Financial Regulation
9. Harmonization of Transnational Economic Crime Control
10. Overview and Future Prospects