




Redefining the Democracy Deficit in EU Law Making
中村民雄/NAKAMURA Tamio

Keywords: EU, 民主主義の赤字, 代表制, 市民参加, 憲法条約,


 EU立法の「民主主義の赤字(Democracy Deficit)」として論じられてきた諸問題のうち,代表制民主主義の制度的保障を中心に,多元的複合法秩序としてのEUという視座から従来の議論を整理しなおし,「欧州憲法条約」(憲法条約)による制度改革を評価し,最後に赤字論の再設定を試みる.従来の議論はEU立法の民主主義の赤字をEU次元の欧州議会と各国次元の各国議会のそれぞれの権限強化を論じていたが,EUと各国の両次元の法秩序が交錯し融合するEUの多元的複合的性質から独自に生まれる解決策には注目してこなかった.本稿では,従来の議論と憲法条約の示した解決案が,いまだに交錯と融合に配慮したものではなく,各次元の解決策の提示にとどまっていることを具体的に検討する.そのうえで,EU固有の法秩序の多元的複合性を直視し,活用した解決策を得るために,今後どのように「赤字」論を進めるべきかを考察する.また両法秩序の融合から生まれる解決策案も提示する.


The paper discusses first the features and limits of the solutions prescribed by the EU Treaties in the 1990s and by the Constitutional Treaty 2004 for the reduction of "democratic deficit" of the EU. One feature, among others, is that most of the solutions so far proposed only concerned with the EU institutional reforms. Least attention has been paid to the need of national constitutional reforms in correspondence with the development of the EU. Since the largest deficit lies in the Council of Ministers'decision-making process, it is the national constitutional reforms in correspondence with the EU Constitution-making that makes the EU more democratic. The paper then proposes the creation of a new committee consisted of national parliaments'permanent representatives (a new COSAC) which gives constant surveillances of the Council; this would be only possible when the national constitution as well as the EU Constitutional Treaty both recognise at the same time certain legislative powers are shared between the EU and the Member States. It is thus the paper's contention that national constitutional reforms in parallel with the Constitutional Treaty (re-)negotiation should become the standard feature of the EU constitution-making in future.

社會科學研究 第57巻 第2号(2006-01-31発行)

(更新日: 2012年 11月 2日)