




The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and "Democratic" Governance
伊藤洋一/ITO Yoichi

Keywords: EU基本権憲章, EU憲法条約, ヨーロッパ法, ヨーロッパ統合,




The Constitutional treaty for Europe is almost dead after "No" votes in the French referendum on 29 May 2005. Nevertheless, a heated French debate on the Constitutional treaty has left some lessons for the protection of fundamental rights on European level. In the course of that debate, the democratic legitimacy of the Convention method was contested by some opponents to the ratification. The incorporation of the EU Charter of fundamental rights into the Constitutional treaty combined with a newly inserted "supremacy clause" provoked serious constitutional problems for the French Constitutional Court (Conseil constitutionnel). Though the further protection of fundamental rights on European level might be welcome in general term, it would not always the case for national constitutional courts because of potential conflicts between EU law and their respective constitutional laws. This article will argue that, even after the entry in force of the Constitutional treaty, a complete supremacy of EU law in the protection of fundamental rights could not be achieved so long as the Member States can invoke their own "pouvoir constituant".

社會科學研究 第57巻 第2号(2006-01-31発行)

(更新日: 2012年 11月 2日)