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- 『社会科学研究』トップ
- 第57巻 特集一覧
- 第57巻第2号
- 「社会規範の「ヨーロッパ化」の政治過程 ―ドイツとオーストリアにおける反差別指......
社会規範の「ヨーロッパ化」の政治過程 ―ドイツとオーストリアにおける反差別指令の国内法制化―
Europeanizing Social Norms : Politics of Implementation of the Anti-Discrimination Directives in Germany and Austria
網谷龍介/AMIYA-NAKADA Ryosuke
Keywords: オーストリア, ドイツ, 反差別指令, 民主主義の赤字, ヨーロッパ化,
Rule-making on "social norms" at the EU-level has been growing since the 1990s, whose transpotision sometimes becomes politically sensitive. As a case study, this article analyses the transpotision of anti-discrimination directives in Germany and Austria. Main contention of the analysis is twofold. First, domestic political processes should be given more weight in the Europeanization studies. Especially, the importance of the transposition strategy of the incumbent government and the different time tables of the EU-level and domestic politics are stressed. Second, it is illuminated how an attempt to legitimize further integration through highlighting substantial values of Europe causes the collision of norms. This would suggest the difficulty of eliminating democratic deficit at a brush, e.g. by the Constitution.
社會科學研究 第57巻 第2号(2006-01-31発行)
(更新日: 2012年 11月 2日)