- トップ
- 刊行物等 一覧
- 『社会科学研究』トップ
- 第57巻 特集一覧
- 第57巻第2号
- 「クラブ財としての公的金融と「民営化」問題―日本政策投資銀行をモデルとして―」
Government Sponsored Financial Institution as Club Goods and its Privatization : the Case of Development Bank of Japan
大瀧雅之/OTAKI Masayuki
Keywords: 公的金融, 中立性, 公共性, 民営化, クラブ財,
As an example of government sponsored financial institution, we consider functions of Development Bank of Japan (DBJ). In addition, the problem of its privatization is also analyzed. Loans of DBJ usually coordinate with private banks. Many empirical researches reveal that private banks are induced by believing in the information on borrowers that is produced by DBJ. To produce fine or precise information, Neutrality of DBJ plays a crucial role. Neutrality means that DBJ belongs to neither industrial group nor specific interest group. It may relieve potential borrowers and facilitate gathering or producing the information. Such function of DBJ can be seemed as a supplier of club good. As a club dealing with information on borrowers, DBJ should maximize common or total profit of members (private banks). To attain the purpose, the loose constraint of non-negative profits is suitable rather than the requirement of the profit maximization of DBJ itself.
社會科學研究 第57巻 第2号(2006-01-31発行)
(更新日: 2012年 11月 2日)