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- 『社会科学研究』トップ
- 第57巻 特集一覧
- 第57巻第3・4合併号
- 「ユーラシアプロジェエクトの達成―歴史人口学と家族史―」
The Achievement of the EurAsian Project : Historical Demography and Family History
落合恵美子/OCHIAI Emiko
Keywords: 歴史人口学, ユーラシアプロジェクト, 家族史, 徳川日本, ライフコース,
The EurAsian Project on Population and Family History (1995-2000) was an international joint research project in the field of historical demography and family history that covered 5 societies in Europe and Asia, namely Japan, China, Sweden, Belgium and Italy. Making use of the excellent quality of data in these areas, the project developed (1) micro level analyses focusing on individuals, (2) longitudinal analyses, (3) international comparison, and achieved (4) a synthesis of family history and historical demography. The major topics of the Japan domestic project that aimed to clarify the features of demo-family system(s) of Tokugawa Japan included the cyclic change of household structure, demographic constraints, the effect of household on individual life events, household strategy and regional differences within Japan.
社會科學研究 第57巻 第3・4合併号(2007-03-09発行)
(更新日: 2012年 11月 2日)