




Historical Sociology of City and the Epistemological Structure of Urban Sociology
藤田弘夫/FUJITA Hiroo

Keywords: 7つの都市の概念, 二つの都市社会学研究, シヴィック・ソシオロジー, L.マンフォード, 奥井復太郎,




The Japanese sociologist has found out meaning to research of modern society. Therefore, there was not much research of historical sociology. But this also has a remarkable difference by how a city definition and historical sociology are considered. Japan introduced urban sociology from the United States. U. S. urban sociologist seldom brought concern to history reflecting research of the American society. For this reason, urban sociology of Japan hardly brought concern to history till recently. Now, urban sociologist is advancing research, receiving influence in research of a historian. On the other hand, there is little influence of the historian on an urban sociologist. Historical sociology research of the city in Japan counted a small number. There were only T. Yazaki's history of Japanese city development, K. Nakagawa's modernization of a life change, H. Fujita's city generating theory and city starvation theory, etc. But the research based on the latest K. Sato's social mobility theory, N. Nakasuji's theory of the correlative nature among human bodies, etc. is cultivating the ground level of new historical sociology research. In this meaning, historical sociology of city has just started.

社會科學研究 第57巻 第3・4合併号(2007-03-09発行)

(更新日: 2012年 11月 2日)