




カリフォルニア州のコミュニティ・カレッジにおける職業訓練プログラム ― 福祉受給者向けプログラムを中心に―
The Job training in California Community Colleges : The Case of Programs for Welfare Recipients
久本貴志/HISAMOTO Takashi

Keywords: 就労最優先アプローチ, 人的資本アプローチ, キャリア・ラダー, 労働力仲介機関, CCCCalWORKsプログラム,




The purpose of this paper is to analyze the role of community colleges as work force intermediaries. The 1990's American welfare restructuring, especially the 1996 welfare reform, strengthened the work-first approach. However, if we look at the local level rather than the federal level, we see that while using a work-first approach, important use has also been made of a human capital approach using training and education. Supporting the training and education approach are community colleges. They have recently focused on low-wage workers and the working poor, but a problem is that these workers have no career ladders. In this paper, I have covered the CCCCalWORKs Program. The CCCCalWORKs program provides comprehensive support, and has had, despite its limits, some success in terms of building career ladders.

社會科學研究 第59巻 第5・6合併号(2008-03-21発行)

(更新日: 2012年 11月 2日)