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- 『社会科学研究』トップ
- 第59巻 特集一覧
- 第59巻第5・6合併号
- 「比較福祉国家研究を超えて ―アメリカ福祉国家の位置づけ―」
比較福祉国家研究を超えて ―アメリカ福祉国家の位置づけ―
Beyond comparative studies of welfare states : Dynamism of welfare state in the United States
吉田健三/YOSHIDA Kenzo
Keywords: アメリカ型福祉国家, 比較福祉国家研究, 年金制度改革, 企業年金, 401(k),
Welfare states in the developed countries are under pressures to adjust themselves to the globalization of economies and the aging populations. The comparative studies of welfare states, led by Espin-Anderson, emphasize diversity of their types and imply their stability against the external pressures. This article questions this positionarguing that previous studies have slighted internal forces from their common similarity to private benefits although they successfully pointed out that aspect of welfare states. Analyzing changes of private pension plans in the United States, I describe the internal dynamism of the welfare states. Traditional private pensions called "defined benefit plans" prevailed as tools for employers, and unions, to reinforce isolation of their employees from the outside labor market until 1970s. The rapid growth of defined contribution plans, like 401(k)s, in recent decades means active change by employers to keep the tools useful for them in the emerging post-industrial economy. It consists not only from dismantling of the tools but also from renewal of them with concept of "property right of pension". This aspect can be a key to understand the recent restructuring of the welfare states.
社會科學研究 第59巻 第5・6合併号(2008-03-21発行)
(更新日: 2012年 11月 2日)