




Restructuring of Kamaishi Iron and Steel Works and the transfer of employees to Tokai Iron and Steel Works : An analysis of the internal labour market formation in the 1960s
梅崎修/UMEZAKI Osamu

Keywords: 経営合理化, 鉄鋼産業, 労使関係, 内部労働市場, 配置転換,


 釜石製鐵所は, 技術革新や事業転換による事業所規模縮小という外部環境変化の影響を受けて要員過剰になった. 余剰人員の雇用保障のため, 「遠い職場」への配置転換が選択された. 本稿では, この1960年代に起こった事業所間の転出を検討し, 一事業所内で閉鎖されていた内部労働市場が他事業所にも拡大する過程を明らかにした. はじめに, 東海転出に対する労働者の意識をオーラルヒストリーと文書史料を使って分析し, そのうえでその意識に人事施策がどのように働きかけられたのかを分析した. 分析の結果, 名古屋地域における都会としての魅力が前提としてあり, さらに昇進可能性や新機械において東海製鐵が職場としての魅力を持っていたことが確認された. 人事施策は, 東海製鐵への期待を引き出し, 逆に退職金計算や減収補償などで将来の不安を和らげるように実施されていた. また, 東海製鐵に対する情報ギャツプを埋めるために, 経営側からも数々の情報提供が行われた. このような個々の労働者の意識に配慮した人事施策が可能となったのは, 労使間の事前協議が充実してきた成果でもあった. 労使協議は, 対立的な交渉の場から徐々に専門家による議論の場に変わっていった. さらに, このような事前協議は労使間で行われるだけでなく, 複数の労働組合間でも行われていた.


Owing to external factors such as technological improvements and changes in the business climate, the number of redundant employees in Kamaishi Iron and Steel Works increased. To maintain the employment of these employees, Kamaishi Iron and Steel Works decided to transfer some of them to another far off workplace. This paper analyzes the transfer of employees from Kamaishi Iron and Steel Works to Tokai Iron and Steel Works in the 1960s. The findings delineate the process wherein the internal labour market of one factory closed and that of another factory expanded. In this paper, the employees'experiences in the course of the transfer to Tokai are analyzed by using oral history and historical materials such as documents; in addition to this, the paper investigates how a personnel policy had been formulated by taking the employees desires into consideration. It was confirmed that the Nagoya area had the potential of being developed into a city and Kamaishi Iron and Steel Works had new machinery and chances of employment promotion. The personnel policy aimed at greatly benefiting the employees, and job insecurities were addressed by making provisions for pensions on retirement and amendments to the income structure. Moreover, to bridge the information gap, considerable information was diffused among the employees. Such a personnel policy could be implemented because of the enhancements made to the joint labour-management conference system. This system had replaced the prescriptive approach where consultants would provide expert advice in organizational matters. Moreover, as part of the joint labour-management conference system, prior discussions were undertaken not only between the employees and management but also among the employees.

社會科學研究 第61巻 第5・6合併号(2011-03-24発行)

(更新日: 2012年 11月 2日)