




European Single Market and EU Law on Labour Relations : a dialogue between a lawyer and an economist on Viking case
中村民雄・佐々木彈/NAKAMURA Tamio, SASAKI Dan

Keywords: 法と経務学, EU, 自由移動, 労使関係規制, 市場最適化,


 2000年代のEUは経済共同体から政治共同体に変貌しつつある.経済共同体ECの時代に確立していた会社や労働者の自由移動をめぐる判例法理を欧州司法裁判所は今日も継承している.それが果たして妥当なのかどうか,妥当でない面があるとすれば,今後のEU法の解釈と適用としてはどうあるべきか,これらを典型的な労使紛争事例を素材に,法学と経済学の視座を交錯させながら考える.まず現代のEU法の一つの典型的な事例を示して法的視座から当初の疑問を示す.それに対して経済学の視点から異なる疑問を提出する.それに再ぴ法的視座から応答し,当初の疑問を多少は超えるEU法理解を示す.最後に, EUの事例の検討から得られる日本への示唆を述べる.


The paper focuses on the disparity between the economic objective of single labour market at European level and the legal reality of little harmonised labour relations regulation at European and national levels. Taking Viking case as a typical recent example, the paper first analyses some legal difficulties in applying the previous case-law on free movement of workers and companies that the European Court of Justice (ECJ) had established during the 1980s in a dispute between individual and the state (public law context) to a dispute between individuals (private law context). This is followed by a more general economic analysis on the current EU labour market regulation. The economic analysis in turn leads to another reflection on a possible direction of ECJ case-law development that would promote both the economic objective of single labour market and the political and legal objective of better protection of workers'rights under Lisbon Treaty.

社會科學研究 第62巻 第2号(2011-03-15発行)

(更新日: 2012年 11月 2日)