- トップ
- 刊行物等 一覧
- 『社会科学研究』トップ
- 第64巻 特集一覧
- 第64巻第3号
- 「取引銀行の生産性が顧客企業の設備投資行動へ与える影響について――企業-銀行マ......
Productivity of Banks and Client Firms' Capital Investments: Evidence from Firm-Bank match-level data
宮川大介, 乾友彦, 庄司啓史/MIYAKAWA Daisuke, INUI Tomohiko, SHOJI Keishi
Keywords: 銀行の生産性, 設備投資, 金融市場の不完全性
This paper proposes one measure of bank productivity and studies how it affects the sensitivity of client firm's capital investment with respect to investment opportunity. As a direct measure of bank-level productivity, we employ the risk-adjusted profit of an individual bank, which is considered as output in a modified version of FISIM (Financial Intermediation Services Indirectly Measured) concept, per its operating cost. The panel estimations for an extended investment equation based on Q-theory show that cash-flow constrained firm’s capital investment becomes more sensitive to investment opportunity in statistically and economically significant levels as they hold the relationships with more productive banks. These results imply that it is necessary to relate firm performances to the characteristics of related parties to the firm.
社會科學研究 第64巻 第3号(2013-03-26発行)
(更新日: 2013年 4月 4日)