- トップ
- 刊行物等 一覧
- 『社会科学研究』トップ
- 第65巻 特集一覧
- 第65巻第1号
- 「包摂社会の中の社会的孤立―他県からの移住者に注目して―」
Social Isolation in the Inclusive Society: Isolation of Those Who Moved from Other Prefectures
阿部彩/ABE Aya
Keywords: 社会的孤立, 貧困, 人口移動, 社会的排除, 福井,
This paper analyzes three types of social isolation (1. Communication, 2. Social support, 3. Participation) using a large-scale micro-data of Fukui Prefecture in Japan. The results indicate that divorcees, those living alone and migrants from other prefectures face a significantly higher risk of social isolation even after controlling for age, gender, socio-economic status, and household structure. The migrant women face higher risk for lacking communication with others, while migrant men face higher risk of lack of social participation compared to natives of the Fukui Prefecture. The analysis shows that there are different risk factors for different types of social isolation and that moving from other prefecture, even after many years of residence, still pose risk of social isolation.
社會科學研究 第65巻 第1号(2014-05-08発行)
(更新日: 2014年 5月 8日)