




グローバル化時代の移民法制と家族の保護 ― 家族呼び寄せ指令とドイツの新移民法制 ―
Migration law and family protection in an era of globalization. Family reunion directive and new migration law in Germany
大西楠・テア/OHNISHI Nami Thea

Keywords: 移民法制 家族呼び寄せ指令 基本法6条 グローバル化 家族の保護




The German migration law faces a structural change because of Europeanization. Since the enactment of the Council Directive 2003/86/EC, the Member States have to apply common rules of European law to family reunification. Concurrent with the legislative Process of the Directive, Germany passed a new immigration act. The legislative process took place at the same time at the German and the European level. On the one hand the Directive contains several open clauses reflecting German conditions. On the other hand, the German legislature has to consider European family reunification policy in implementing the Directive to German law. As a result the German migration law reflects a multi-leveled family reunification policy, while German courts have to take human rights on multiple levels into consideration when reviewing the policy.

社會科學研究 第65巻 第2号(2014-03-31発行)

(更新日: 2014年 06月 16日)