




The Effect of Armed Conflict on Treaties in Contemporary International Law
若狭 彰室/WAKASA Amuro

Keywords: 条約法,戦争,武力紛争,jus ad bellum,jus in bello




Despite the efforts made by writers and the International Law Commission, the effect of armed conflict on treaties, or, possibly more broadly, the relationship between armed conflict and treaties is still uncertain or even being far from settled. In addition to the traditional issues argued under the title of the effect of war on treaties, such as the criteria for determining the effect, new theoretical issues have emerged due to the factual and normative changes arose in international society.
Exploring literatures, the work of the ILC and several decisions of international tribunals made after the WWII, the present paper observed the continuing influence of the traditional framework formed for examining the effect of war, and given the absence of fundamental principle regulating the topic, it urged a need for reconsideration of the rationale behind the traditional doctrine with the purpose of dealing with today’s issues.

社會科學研究 第68巻 第1号(2017-03-17発行)

(更新日: 2017年 3月 17日)