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- 『社会科学研究』トップ
- 第73巻 特集一覧
- 第73巻第1号
- 特集「中華人民共和国初期における国家と社会」
黒龍江省における村級人民代表会議制度建設と農村「三反」,1948~53 年
Rural State Building by the Chinese Communist Party:
Village Level People’s Representative Conference and “Three-Anti Campaign” in Rural Heilongjiang, 1948-53
角崎 信也/KADOZAKI Shinya
Keywords: 国家建設,人民代表会議,整党,三反,官僚主義
1948 年末頃より黒龍江省において展開されていた農村基層政権建設の漸進発展の経路は,中国が朝鮮戦争へ参戦した1950 年末に転轍した.戦争動員と戦争準備のためのより緊急性の高い諸任務,すなわち戦争勤務員動員,食糧買付,農業互助合作化等はいずれも,基層政権建設の必要とコンフリクトした.結果,村級,区級の人民代表会議制度建設は停滞し,反「官僚主義」を掲げたはずの「整党」や「三反」はむしろ「官僚主義」や「命令主義」を助長した.
One of the main themes of the rural state-building in the early years of the People’s Republic of China was to correct the problem of "bureaucratism" - the tendency of the cadres to implement policies regardless rural people's interests -, which could potentially damage the legitimacy of the CCP regime. Using Heilongjiang Province as a case study, this paper discusses the developments of two attempts to achieve this goal, namely, village-level People’s Representative Conference (institutional approach) and “Party Rectification” / “Three-Anti Campaign" (campaign-style approach).
It finds that China's entry into the Korean War thwarted the rural state-building in Heilongjiang, which started since the end of 1948, because the urgent tasks related to the war mobilization and war preparation conflicted with such attempts. Consequently, the Conference stagnated and the “Rectification” and “Anti Three” exacerbated the problems of “bureaucratism” paradoxically.
社會科學研究 第73巻 第1号(2022-03-08発行)
(更新日: 2022年 3月28日)