




「ソーシャル・ニーズ調査(社会福祉意識調査)」の復元 ─調査資料の可能性と「愉しみ」─
Restoration of the “Social Needs Survey”(Social Welfare Awareness Survey): Potential of Survey Materials and the “Pleasure” of Research
相澤 真一/AIZAWA Shinichi,魚住 知広/UOZUMI Tomohiro,堀江 和正/HORIE Kazumasa

Keywords: デジタル復元, ソーシャル・ニーズ調査(社会福祉意識調査), 近代化, 生活課題, 「縮図」


 ソーシャル・ニーズ調査は1964 年,神奈川県民生部の委託を受け,東京大学社会科学研究所の氏原正治郎らが実施した.工業的近代化という時代状況を背景に,生活の広範な領域にかかわるニーズを捉えており,神奈川県全域の6000 世帯あまりから回答を得た.本調査は東大社研の「神奈川調査シリーズ」のなかでも,蓄積された貧困調査の延長線上にありつつ,対象世帯の属性および調査項目に広がりを持たせた点に特徴があり,多様な領域・関心による二次分析の可能性にひらかれている.


This paper explores the Social Needs Survey (Social Welfare Awareness Survey) by summarizing its overview, characteristics, and contemporary findings, while focusing on the process and significance of its digital restoration, particularly data cleaning. It examines the survey's potential as a historical resource and demonstrates the value of restoration through a case study of secondary analysis, emphasizing variables related to education. Conducted in 1964 by Shojiro Ujihara and others at the Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo, under the commission of Kanagawa Prefecture's Welfare Department, the survey captured a broad range of life needs amidst industrial modernization. With responses from over 6,000 households across Kanagawa, the survey expanded on previous poverty studies within the "Kanagawa Survey Series," offering diverse opportunities for secondary analysis across various domains and interests.

社會科學研究 第76巻(2025-03-14発行)

(更新日: 2025年 3月21日)