戦後労働調査資料について ─1980年代の保存所蔵事情を中心に─
On the Survey Data Documents of Labor Research in the Post-WW II Period: Focusing on the Discussions in 1980s on How They Should Be Kept and Stored at the Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo
仁田 道夫/NITTA Michio
Keywords: 戦後労働調査資料, 氏原正治郎, 山本潔, 望月礼二郎, 図書委員会
Survey data documents of labor research in the post-WW II period, the sources for secondary analysis utilized in the papers of this volume were originally produced by Prof. Shojiro Ujihara and his fellow researchers from the latter half of 1940s to the first half of 1960s. Since volume of the documents was quite large and they were not well prepared for secondary use, the Institute of Social Science had difficulties in storing and administering those documents. After Ujihara had retired in 1981, the Institute kept discussing how they should be dealt with in 1980s mostly at the Library Committee of the Institute. Finally in February of 1988, the Committee reached the conclusion to accept and to take care of those documents at the Institute Library. This paper follows the discussions at the Committee and examines what were the main points of discussion and who took a leading role. Based on the examination and analysis, it presents what produced obstacles and what provided solutions for the problems.
社會科學研究 第76巻(2025-03-14発行)
(更新日: 2025年 3月21日)