- トップ
- 刊行物等 一覧
- 所員の著書(2004年の新刊)
- Gordon de Brouwer and Masahiro KAWAI, eds.Exchange Rate Regimes in East Asia
Gordon de Brouwer and Masahiro KAWAI, eds.
Exchange Rate Regimes in East Asia
New York: Routledge. 2004
1 Economic linkages and impications for exchange rate regimes in East Asia
Gordon de Brouwer and Masahiro Kawai
2 Trade and foreign direct investment in East Asia
Masahiro Kawai and
3 'Revealed commonality': linkages in consumption, investment and putput in East Asia
Gordon de Brouwer and Mardi Dungey
4 A multivariate approach to grouping finanvially integrated economies
Shinji Takagi and Kenichi Hirose
5 International migration and trade liberalisation: some lessons from Asia
Junichi Goto
6 Patterns, economic implications and policy issues in international labour migration Prema-chandra Atbukorala
7 Ecchange rate pass-through to export prices
Robert Dekle and Cathy Karnchanasai