川田恵介 (KAWATA Keiske)

所属部門 | 比較現代経済部門 准教授 |
専門分野 | 応用ミクロ経済学(開発経済学、空間経済学、労働経済学) |
[at]を@に置き換えてください。 |
個人ページ |
2017年4月 - | 東京大学社会科学研究所准教授 |
- 1大規模データを用いた政策効果・社会構造変化検討
- 労働問題や不動産問題について、大規模な社会データと統計的因果推論や機械学習の手法を用いた実証的な分析を行う.
- 2仮想的サーベイ実験法の開発と社会問題への応用
- 観察データを用いた実証分析を補完する手法として,Conjoint法やContingent variation法など,アンケート上の仮想的な実験法の開発・洗練を行う.
- Keisuke Kawata, Kenneth McElwain, and Masaki Nakabayashi. “Narrative premiums in policy persuasion” Political Psychology 45 (2024): 383-405.
- Mirlan Atabekov, Volodymyr Bilotkach, Keisuke Kawata, Ghulam Dastgir Khan, Chikage Miyoshi, Miyu Sakamoto and Yuichiro Yoshida. Double-edged impacts of carbon footprint information on international air travel demand Journal of Air Transport Management 117 (2024) : 102570.
- Taiyo Fukai, Keisuke Kawata, and Masaki Nakabayashi. “Updated beliefs and shaken confidence: evidence from vaccine hesitancy caused by experiencing “COVID arm”” BMC Infectious Diseases 23 (2023): 612.
- Keisuke Kawata, and Masaki Nakabayashi. “Persistent mind: The effects of information provision on policy preferences” Journal of Policy Modeling 45 (2023): 522-537.
- “The citizen Preferences–Positive externality trade-off a survey study of COVID-19 vaccine deployment in Japan” SSM-Population Health (2022): 101191.
- “Labour market and wage inequalities between permanent rural migrants and urban-born residents in China.” (co-authored with Liu, Yang) Applied Economics (2022): 1-15.
- “The orphan impact: HIV-AIDS and student test scores from sub-Saharan Africa.” (co-authored with Blevins, Benjamin K.) Educational Review 73 (2021): 690-713.
- “Determinants of COVID-19 vaccine preference: A survey study in Japan.” (co-authored with Masaki Nakabayashi) SSM-Population Health 15 (2021): 100902.
- “An analysis of the learning performance gap between urban and rural areas in sub-Saharan Africa.” (co-authored with Sumida, Sugata) South African Journal of Education 41 (2021)
- “Describing the impacts of COVID-19 on the labor market in Japan until June 2020.” (co-authored with Fukai, Taiyo, and Hidehiko Ichimura.) Japanese Economic Review 72 (2021): 439-470.
- “A first aid kit to assess welfare impacts.” (co-authored with Yasuhiro Sato.) Economics Letters (2021): 109928.
- “An assessment of Abenomics from the labor market perspective.” (co-authored with Kawaguchi, Daiji and Takahiro Toriyabe) Asian Economic Policy Review (2021)
- “Measuring the Impacts of Saffron Production Promotion Measures on Farmers’ Policy Acceptance Probability: A Randomized Conjoint Field Experiment in Herat Province, Afghanistan.” (co-authored with Azimy, Mohammad Wais, et al. ) Sustainability 12.10 (2020): 4026
- “Does experience sharing affect farmers’ pro-environmental behavior? A randomized controlled trial in Vietnam.” (co-authored with Vu, Ha Thu, et al.) World Development 136 (2020): 105062
- “Impacts of pecuniary and non-pecuniary information on pro-environmental behavior: A household waste collection and disposal program in Surabaya city”,(co-authored with Setiawan, Rulli Pratiwi; Kaneko, Shinji), Waste Management, Volume 89,Pages 322-335, 2019.
- “Potential demand for voluntary community-based health insurance improvement in rural Lao People's Democratic Republic: A randomized conjoint experiment”, (co-authored with Sydavong, Thiptaiya; Goto, Daisaku; Kaneko, Shinji; Ichihashi, Masaru), Plos One, 2019.
- “Quantifying the impact of low-cost carriers on international air passenger movements to and from major airports in Asia” (co-authored with Bilotkach, Volodymyr; Bilotkach, Volodymyr; Kim, Tae Seung; Park, Jaehong; Purwandono, Putut; Yoshida, Yuichiro), International Journal of Industrial Organization, Volume 62, Page28-57, 2019.
- “Gender-based differences in employment opportunities and wage distribution in Nepal”(co-authored with Yamamoto, Yuki; Matsumoto, Ken'ichi; Kaneko, Shinji), Journal of Asian Economics, Volume 64, Oct 2019.
- “The orphan impact: HIV-AIDS and student test scores from sub-Saharan Africa”, (co-authored with Blevins, Benjamin K.; Kawata, Keisuke), Educational Review, Dec 2019.
- 「日本の労働市場におけるミスマッチの測定」『経済分析』 2019年
- "Potential demand for voluntary community-based health insurance improvement in rural Lao People's Democratic Republic: A randomized conjoint experiment", (with T. Sydavong, D Goto, K Kaneko, M Ichihashi), PLOS ONE, 14(1): e0210355, 2019.
- "Impact of Low-cost Carriers on International Air Passenger Movements to and from Major Airports in Asia". (with V. Bilotkach, T.S. Kim, J. Park, P. Purwandono, and Y. Yoshida), International Journal of Industrial Organization, 62, 28-57, 2019.
- "Measuring the impact of modern waste collection and processing service attributes on residents'acceptance of waste separation policy using a randomised conjoint field experiment in Yogyakarta Province", Indonesia. (Katsufumi Fukuda, Rofiq Isdwiyani, Keisuke Kawata, Yuichiro Yoshida), Waste Management & Research, Volume 36, 841–848, 2018.
- "Effect of Forced Relocation on Household Income and Consumption Patterns: Evidence from the Aynak Copper Mine Project in Afghanistan", (with Ghulam Dastgir, Yuichiro Yoshida), Journal of Development Studies, Volume 54, Page 2061–2077, 2018.
- "Recent Political Change in Myanmar and Its Impact on their Economic Growth", (with Khin Nwe, Yuichiro Yoshida), Asian Economic Journal, Volume 32, Page 39-54, 2018.
- 日本の労働市場 -- 経済学者の視点(編者:川口大司)第12章, 有斐閣, 2017年11月.
- 解雇規制を問い直す -- 金銭解決の制度設計(編者:大内伸也、川口大司)第6章、第7章
- "Work Hour Mismatch and On-the-job Search", Economic Modelling, Volume 47, Pages 280-291, June 2015.
- "Do Forest Permits Cause Deforestation in Indonesia?", (co-authored with Jarot Indarto, Shinji Kaneko), International Forestry Review, Volume 17, Pages 165-181, June 2015.
- "An experimental test of a committee search model" (co-authored with Yoichi Hizen, Masaru Sasaki), European Economic Review, Volume 61, Pages 59–76, July 2013.
- "On-the-job search in urban areas" (co-authored with Yasuhiro Sato), Regional Science and Urban Economics, Volume 42, Issue 4, Pages 715-726, July 2012.
東京大学大学院 経済学研究科 | 経済学のための機械学習入門 |
東京大学 経済学部 | 上級労働経済学 |
武蔵大学経済学部 | 経済学のための機械学習 |