加藤晋 (CATO Susumu)

所属部門 | 比較現代経済部門 教授 |
専門分野 | 厚生経済学、公共経済学 |
[at]を@に置き換えてください。 |
個人ページ |
2024年4月 - | 東京大学社会科学研究所教授 |
2018年5月 - | 日本政策投資銀行設備投資研究所 客員主任研究員 |
2014年4月 - 2024年3月 |
東京大学社会科学研究所准教授 |
2012年4月 -
2014年3月 |
首都大学東京大学院社会科学研究科准教授 |
2009年4月 -
2012年3月 |
東京大学社会科学研究所助教 |
- 1社会的選択理論
Social Choice Theory - 民主的な意思決定の背後にある論理構造を明らかにする.特に,アローの研究を嚆矢とする公理論的手法によって,社会的選好の合理性と人口構造の関連について研究を進めている.また,このような研究を通じて,社会の「幸福」「福祉」をいかにして測ることが可能であろうかという問題について考察している.
- 2産業組織論
Industrial Organization - 第1に,市場に公営企業と私企業の存在する混合寡占市場の研究に取り組んできた.特に貿易との関連について検討を進めた.第2に,自由参入市場におけるさまざまな競争政策の経済厚生に与える影響について研究を進めている.第3に,寡占市場における合併やリーダー企業の存在の経済厚生に対する含意を検討している.
- 3最適な経済組織構造と賃金プロファイル
Organization and Wage Profile - 限定合理的な個人の存在する状況において,いかに組織をガバナンスをすべきかという問題の検討を行っている.
- 4環境問題と持続可能性
Environment and Sustainability - 世代間公平性と持続可能性の関係を検討し,環境資源をどのように維持していくべきかを考察している.
- 5福祉と公正
Well-being and Fairness - 多次元的な福祉の概念を構成し,公正な社会の達成するための最適な制度に関する研究を行っている.
- 『パンデミックと社会科学ーーポストコロナから見えてくるもの』(加藤晋、ケネス・盛・マッケルウェインとの共編)勁草書房 (2024)
- Strategic crackdown on organized crime by local governments. (joint work with Yahagi, K.) Economics of Governance, (2023).
https://doi.org/10.1007/s10101-023-00293-6 - Revisiting variable-value population principles. (joint work with Bossert, W., & Kamaga, K.) Economics & Philosophy, 1-17, (2022).
doi:10.1017/S0266267122000268 - Are good leaders truly good? (joint work with Inoue, A.) Analysis, (2022). accepted.
- Thresholds, critical levels, and generalized sufficientarian principles. (joint work with Bossert, W., & Kamaga, K.) Economic Theory, (2022).
https://doi.org/10.1007/s00199-022-01439-z - 「実践と公正:フェアプレイをめぐる概念分析と経済分析」(宮本 雅也と共著)社会科学研究, 74巻, 45-61.
- When is weak Pareto equivalent to strong Pareto? Economics Letters, 222, 2023, 110953.
- Mobile health technology as a solution to self-control problems: The behavioral impact of COVID-19 contact tracing apps in Japan. (joint work with Shoji, M., Ito, A., Iida, T., Ishida, K., Katsumata, H., & McElwain, K. M.) Social Science & Medicine, 306, 2022, 115142.
- Understanding the function of a social business ecosystem. (joint work with Nakamura, H.) Sustainability, 14(15), 2022,9325.
- Generalized Poverty-gap Orderings. (joit work with Bossert, W., & Kamaga, K.) Social Indicators Research, 164(1), 2022, 189-215.
- Critical-level Sufficientarianism. (joint work with Bossert, W., & Kamaga, K.) Journal of Political Philosophy, 30(4), 2022, 434-461.
- Libertarian approaches to the COVID–19 pandemic. (joint work with Akira Inoue), Bioethics, 36(4), 445-452.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/bioe.13007 - Stable preference aggregation with infinite population. Social Choice and Welfare, (2022),59(2), 2022, 287-304. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00355-022-01389-4
- Vaccination and altruism under the COVID-19 pandemic. (joint work with Iida, T., Ishida, K., Ito, A., Katsumata, H., McElwain, K. M., & Shoji, M.) Public Health in Practice, (2022), 100225.
- Critical-level Sufficientarianism. (joint work with Bossert, W., & Kamaga, K.), Journal of Political Philosophy, (2021).
- Variations in Early-Stage Responses to Pandemics: Survey Evidence from the COVID-19 Pandemic in Japan. (joint work with Shoji, M., Iida, T., Ishida, K., Ito, A., & McElwain, K. M.) Economics of disasters and climate change, (2021), 1-24.
- Infinite-population approval voting: A proposal. (joint work with Rémila, E., & Solal, P.), Synthese, (2021), 199(3), 10181-10209.
- Social media infodemics and social distancing under the COVID-19 pandemic: public good provisions under uncertainty. (joint work with Iida, T., Ishida, K., Ito, A., Katsumata, H., McElwain, K. M., & Shoji, M.), Global health action, (2021), 14(1), 1995958.
- What should we agree on about the repugnant conclusion?. (joint work with Zuber, S., Venkatesh, N., Tännsjö, T., Tarsney, C., Stefánsson, H. O., Steele, K., & Asheim, G. B.), Utilitas, (2021), 33(4), 379-383.
- Prosociality and the uptake of COVID-19 contact tracing apps: survey analysis of intergenerational differences in Japan. (joint work with Shoji, M., Ito, A., Iida, T., Ishida, K., Katsumata, H., & McElwain, K. M.), JMIR mHealth and uHealth, (2021), 9(8), e29923.
- Superset-robust collective choice rules. (joint work with Bossert, W.), Mathematical Social Sciences, (2021), 109, 126-136.
- M.A Rehabilitation of the Institutional Approach to Japanese Economic History: Introduction to the Special Issue. (joint work with Nakabayashi, M.), Social Science Japan Journal.
- 特集「リベラルな社会を読み解く」 序 『社会科学研究』第71巻第1号,2020年6月.
- 「正義論における規則と実践:サールの言語論から読み解くロールズ」『社会科学研究』第71巻第1号,2020年6月.
- COVID-19 and social distancing in the absence of legal enforcement: Survey evidence from Japan. (joint work with Shoji, M., Iida, T., Ishida, K., Ito, A., & McElwain, K.), MPRA Paper, (2020).
- Social distancing as a public good under the COVID-19 pandemic. (joint work with Iida, T., Ishida, K., Ito, A., McElwain, K. M., & Shoji, M.), Public health, (2020), 188, 51-53.
- From the St. Petersburg paradox to the dismal theorem. Environment and Development Economics, (2020), 25(5), 423-432.
- Quasi-stationary social welfare functions. Theory and Decision, (2020), 1-22.
- Extending the Intersection Approach. Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, (2020), 21(3), 230-248.
- Incompleteness, regularity, and collective preference. Metroeconomica, (2020), 71(2), 333-344.
- Acyclicity, Anonymity, and Prefilters (joint work with Bossert W). Journal of Mathematical Economics, (2020), 87, 134-141.
- Optimal Production Tax in a Mixed Market with an Endogenous Market Structure (joint work with Matsumira T). The Manchester School, (2019), 87(4), 578-590.
- Entry-License Tax: Stackelberg versus Cournot (joint work with Matsumira T). Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, (2019), 175(2), 258-271.
- Remarks on a Procedural Condition for the Voting Paradox. Bulletin of Economic Research, (2019), 71(3), 549-557.
- The Possibility of Paretian Anonymous Decision-Making with an Infinite Population. Social Choice and Welfare, (2019), 53(4), 587-601.
- 「ロールズと規範経済学」『ロールズを読む』井上彰(編)ナカニシヤ出版,2018.
- On the existence of an equitable allocation. Metroeconomica, 69(3), 644-654, 2018.
- Choice functions and weak Nash axioms. Review of Economic Design, 22(3-4), 159-176, 2018.
- Incomplete decision-making and Arrow’s impossibility theorem. Mathematical Social Sciences, 94, 58-64, 2018.
- 大瀧雅之・加藤晋(編)(2017)『ケインズとその時代を読む: 危機の時代の経済学ブックガイド』東京大学出版会
- Infinite population and positive responsiveness: a note .Economics Bulletin(2018), 38(1), 196-200.
- Hybrid invariance and oligarchic structures. The B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics (BEJTE) (2018), 18(1).
- Collective rationality and decisiveness coherence. Social Choice and Welfare (2017), 50(2), 305–328.
- Transparency and performance evaluation in sequential agency (joint with Akifumi Ishihara), Journal of Law, Economics, & Organization (2017), 33(3), 475-506.
- Decisive coalitions and positive responsiveness. Metroeconomica (2018), 69(1), 308-323.
- Unanimity, anonymity, and infinite population. Journal of Mathematical Economics (2017), 71, 28-35.
- The optimal tariff structure and foreign penetration. Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics, (2017) 24(1-2), 83-94
- Weak independence and the Pareto principle. Social Choice and Welfare (2016), 47(2), 295-314.
- Weak independent decisiveness and the existence of a unique vetoer. Economics Letters (2015), 131, 59-61.
- Optimal privatization and trade policies with endogenous market structure (joint work with Toshihiro Matsumura). Economic Record (2015) 91(294), 309–323. doi: 10.1111/1475-4932.12189.
- Extended anonymity and Paretian relations on infinite utility streams (joint work with Tsuyoshi Adachi and Kohei Kamaga). Mathematical Social Sciences (2014), 72, 24–32.
- Weak independence and social semi-orders. Japanese Economic Review (2015), 66(3), 311–321.
- Conditions on social preference cycles. Theory and Decision (2015), 79(1), 1-13.
- Common preference, non-consequential features, and collective decision making. Review of Economic Design (2014), 18(4), 265-287.
- Independence of irrelevant alternatives revisited. Theory and Decision (2014), 76(4), 511-527.
- Menu dependence and group decision making. Group Decision and Negotiation (2014), 23(3), 561-577.
- Alternative proofs of Arrow's general possibility theorem. Economic Theory Bulletin (2013), 1(2), 131-137.
- Social choice, the strong Pareto principle, and conditional decisiveness. Theory and Decision, 75(4), 563-579.
- The first-order approach to the principal-agent problems under inequality aversion. Operations Research Letters (2013), 41(5), 526-52
- Competitiveness and R&D competition revisited (joint work with Noriaki Matsushima and Toshihiro Matsumura). Economic Modelling (2013), 31, 541–547
- Competitiveness and R&D competition revisited (joint work with Noriaki Matsushima and Toshihiro Matsumura). Economic Modelling (2013), 31, 541–547
- Long-run effects of tax policies in a mixed market (joint work with Toshihiro Matsumura). FinanzArchiv: Public Finance Analysis (2013), 69, 215-240.
- Remarks on Suzumura consistent collective choice rules. Mathematical Social Sciences (2013), 65, 40–47.
- Quasi-decisiveness, quasi-ultrafilter, and social quasi-orderings. Social Choice and Welfare (2013),41,169-202.
- Leaders and Competitors (joint work with Ryoko Oki). Journal of Economics (2012), 107, 239-255.
- Long-run effects of foreign penetration on privatization policies (joint work with Toshihiro Matsumura). Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics (2012), 168, 444-454.
- Complements and consistent closures. Discrete Mathematics (2012), 312, 1218-1221.
- A note on the extension of a binary relation on a set to the power set. Economics Letters (2012), 116, 46-48.
- Fair allocations in large economies with unequal production Skills. International Journal of Economic Theory (2012), 8, 321-336.
- Szpilrajn, Arrow, and Suzumura: concise proofs of extension theorems and an extension. Metroeconomica (2012), 63, 235-249.
- A generalization of Campbell and Kelly's trade-off theorem (joint work with Yohei Sekiguchi). Social Choice and Welfare (2012), 38, 237-246.
- The efficiency of the state-owned firm and social welfare: a note. Bulletin of Economic Research (2012), 64, 275-285.
- The top-dog and the lean and hungry look strategies in endogenous entry (joint work with Ryoko Oki). Economic Modelling (2011), 28, 2776-2782.
- Pareto Principles, positive responsiveness, and majority decisions. Theory and Decision(2011), 71, 503-518.
- Social Choice without the Pareto Principle: A Comprehensive Analysis. Social Choice and Welfare (2012), 39, 869-889. DOI: 10.1007/s00355-011-0564-z
- Maskin monotonicity and infinite individuals. Economics Letters (2011), 110, 56-59.
- Privatization policy and cost-reducing investment by the private sector. The Manchester School (2011), 79, 1157–1178.
- Local envy-freeness and equal-income Walrasian allocations. Economics Letters (2010), 107, 239-241.
- Brief proofs of Arrovian impossibility theorems.Social Choice and Welfare (2010), 35, 267-284.
- Local Strict Envy-freeness in Large Economies.Mathematical Social Sciences (2010), 59, 319-322.
- Local Strict Envy-freeness in Large Economies.Mathematical Social Sciences (2010), 59, 319-322.
- Collective choice rules and collective rationality: a unified method of characterizations (with D. Hirata).Social Choice and Welfare (2010), 34, 611-630.
- Another induction proof of the Gibbard-Satterthwaite theorem.Economics Letters (2009), 105, 239-241.
東京大学大学院 経済学研究科 | 「An Introduction to Social Choice Theory」 |