




庄司匡宏 (SHOJI Masahiro)

所属部門 比較現代経済部門 教授
専門分野 開発経済学
e-mail shoji[at]iss.u-tokyo.ac.jp



2021年4月 - 東京大学社会科学研究所教授
2020年4月 - 


Disaster Research

Social Capital

Noncognitive Skill and Preference
Locus of control, guilt aversion

Gender Empowerment in Developing Countries


  • 「第4章 パンデミック初期のSNS利用と人々の行動」(加藤晋,田中隆一 ,ケネス・盛・マッケルウェイン 編)『パンデミックと社会科学ーーポストコロナから見えてくるもの』勁草書房,2024年2月,(ISBN: 9784326303373).
  • Intergenerational Spillover Effects of School-Based Disaster Education: Evidence from Indonesia, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 85, 103505, (2023). (with Harada, T. and Takafuji, Y.)
  • Gendered Effects of Early Childhood Weather Shocks on Locus of Control: Evidence from 28 Agricultural Countries, Journal of Population Economics, forthcoming.
  • Mobile Health Technology as a Solution to Self-Control Problems: The Behavioral Impact of COVID-19 Contact Tracing Apps in Japan, Social Science and Medicine, 306, 115142, (2022). (with Susumu Cato, Takashi Iida, Kenji Ishida, Asei Ito, Hiroto Katsumata, and Kenneth Mori McElwain)
  • Irrigation Infrastructure and Trust: Evidence from Natural and Lab-in-the-Field Experiments in Rural Communities, World Development, 156, 105906, (2022). (with Aoyagi, K. and Sawada, Y.)
  • Variations in Early-Stage Responses to Pandemics: Survey Evidence from the COVID-19 Pandemic in Japan, Economics of Disasters and Climate Change, 6, 235–258, (2022). (with Ito, A., Cato, S., Iida, T., Ishida, K., and McElwain, K. M.)
  • Cross-Country Evidence on the Role of National Governance in Boosting COVID-19 Vaccination, BMC Public Health, 22, 576, (2022). (with Aida, T.)
  • Sexual Exploitation of Trafficked Children: Survey Evidence from Child Sex Workers in Bangladesh, Journal of Comparative Economics, 50(1), 101-117, (2022). (with Tsubota, K.)
  • Vaccination and altruism under the COVID-19 pandemic, Public Health in Practice, 3, 100225, (2022). (with Cato, S., Iida, T., Ishida, K., Ito, A., Katsumata, H., and McElwain, K. M.)
  • Guilt and Prosocial Behavior: Lab-in-the-Field Evidence from Bangladesh, Economic Development and Cultural Change, 70(2), 823–833 (2022).
  • Infodemic in social media and social distancing in the COVID-19 pandemic: public good provisions under uncertainty, Global Health Action, 14:1, 1995958 (2021). (with Susumu Cato, Takashi Iida, Kenji Ishida, Asei Ito, Hiroto Katsumata, and Kenneth Mori McElwain)
  • Prosociality and the Uptake of COVID-19 Contact Tracing Apps: Survey Analysis of Intergenerational Differences in Japan, JMIR mHealth uHealth, 9(8), e29923 (2021).(with Susumu Cato, Takashi Iida, Kenji Ishida, Asei Ito, Hiroto Katsumata, and Kenneth Mori McElwain)
  • Social Capital Encourages Disaster Evacuation: Evidence from a Cyclone in Bangladesh, Journal of Development Studies, 57(5), 790-806 (2021), (with Akira Murata)
  • The Bright and Dark Sides of Social Media Usage during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Survey Evidence from Japan, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 54, 102034(2021) , (with Cato, S., Iida, T., Ishida, K., Ito, A., Katsumata, H., and McElwain, K. M.)
  • Motives behind Community Participation: Evidence from Natural and Field Experiments in a Developing Country, Pacific Economic Review, 25(5), 577-600, (2020), (with Aoyagi, K., Kasahara, R., and Sawada, Y.)
  • Social distancing as a public good under the COVID-19 pandemic, Public Health, 108, 51-53(2020), (with Cato, S., Iida, T., Ishida, K., Ito, A., and McElwain, K. M.)
  • Formal Education and Disaster Response of Children: Evidence from Coastal Villages in Indonesia, Natural Hazards, 103, 2183–2205(2020), (with Takafuji, Y., and Harada, T.)
  • Behavioral Impact of Disaster Education: Evidence from a Dance-Based Program in Indonesia, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 45, 101489 (2020), (with Yoko Takafuji and Tetsuya Harada)
  • Peer Effects in Employment Status: Evidence from Housing Lotteries, Journal of Urban Economics, 113, 103195 (2019), (with Ayako Kondo)
  • Incentive for Risk Sharing and Trust Formation: Experimental and Survey Evidence from Bangladesh, Oxford Economic Papers, 70(4), 1062–1083 (2018).
  • Religious Fractionalisation and Crimes in Disaster-Affected Communities: Survey Evidence from Bangladesh, Journal of Development Studies, 54(10), 1891-1911 (2018).
  • The Role of Infrastructure in Mitigating Poverty Dynamics: The Case of an Irrigation Project in Sri Lanka, The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, 14(3), 1117-1144 (2014), (with Yasuyuki Sawada, Shinya Sugawara, and Naoko Shinkai)
  • Modes of Collective Action in Village Economies: Evidence from Natural and Artefactual Field Experiments in a Developing Country, Asian Development Review, 30(1), 31-51 (2013) (with Keitaro Aoyagi, Ryuji Kasahara, Yasuyuki Sawada and Mika Ueyama).
  • Social Capital Formation and Credit Access: Evidence from Sri Lanka, World Development, 40(12), 2522–2536 (2012) (with Keitaro Aoyagi, Ryuji Kasahara, Yasuyuki Sawada and Mika Ueyama).
  • Evaluation of Contingent Repayments in Microfinance: Evidence from a Natural Disaster in Bangladesh, The Developing Economies, 50(2), 116-140. (2012)
  • Does Contingent Repayment in Microfinance Help the Poor During Natural Disasters? Journal of Development Studies, 46(2), 191-210. (2010)
  • How Do the Poor Cope with Hardships When Mutual Assistance Is Unavailable?, Economics Bulletin, 15(13), 1-17. (2008)


東京大学大学院 経済学研究科 「Interdisciplinary Issues in Development Economics」
成城大学 経済学部 「開発経済学I」、「開発経済学研究A」