
大島 潤二(おおしま じゅんじ)
社研に着任して2年目だったと思いますが、当時、筑波大学 大学研究センターに大学職員の職能開発について研究をされている山本真一先生が在籍されていました。山本先生の授業を受講するため、大学院の科目履修生として1年1科目で2年間、週1回筑波大学の茗荷谷キャンパスへ通ったことが思い出されます。「高等教育システム論」「高等教育政策論」を受講しましたが、毎回、参考文献を読んでレポートを提出しなければならないので大変でしたが、ここでの勉強は、その後の業務に間接的ではありますが、活きてきたのではと感じています。様々な職種の方がクラスに在籍しており、大学職員である私と違った視点からの意見を聴くことができたのは参考になりました。

- 最近、嬉しかったことは何ですか?
From April 2001 to March 2005, I worked at Shaken for four years. I belonged to the Research Cooperation Division, where I was involved with managing international business trips by faculty, research grants, receiving visiting professors and scholars, and the like. Before coming to Shaken, I belonged to the Research Cooperation Division at the administrative headquarters of the University of Tokyo. During the last six months of my tenure there, I had the opportunity to stay at the University of Warwick in the U.K. In addition to developing my English language skills, I learned about the specialization of higher education administrative staff, industry-academia collaboration, the development of endowments, and strategies for attracting international students. These areas were very helpful in my work at Shaken.
In my second year at Shaken, I attended lectures on university staff development by Professor Yamamoto Shinichi from the Research Center for University Studies, University of Tsukuba. I went to the Myogadani Campus of U. Tsukuba for two years to audit graduate courses on “Higher Education System” and “Theory of Higher Education Policy”. Each session, we were required to submit a report on the required readings. It was very challenging work, but the experience bore fruit later in my career.
During my Shaken period, the things that left the greatest impression on me were checking research grant applications and taking care of visiting professors and fellows. Regarding the research grant application, I was particularly interested in reading the content as well as checking it for format, because of my familiarity with the subject area. Moreover, I enjoyed communicating with visiting professors and fellows from many different nationalities. These experiences gave me further incentive to develop international exchange programs.
Shaken is different from large science and technology departments at the University of Tokyo, and its atmosphere is very relaxed. The relatively small number of faculty and staff created a strong sense of camaraderie, and I had many opportunities to interact with faculty directly. Furthermore, each staff member engaged in a wide variety of duties, and he/she had the chance to experience different types of professional responsibilities. This is a great benefit from the standpoint of staff development.
Since July 2017, I have worked at the Institute for Solid State Physics (ISSP) at the Kashiwa Campus. I commute there daily by train for two hours—passing through Komaba and Hongo—which is double the time of my former commute to Hongo. My primary job is in general affairs of ISSP, including personnel matters, which I am studying intensely as it is a new field to me.
Before coming to ISSP, I also worked at the Japan Society for Promotion of Science’s (JSPS) San Francisco Office for two years. It was a precious experience to work in the United States. I worked on office accounting, general affairs, and the promotion of US-Japan academic exchanges. I would not have been able to obtain this position had it not been for my experiences at Shaken for four years, and I thank you very much for that opportunity.